Next Generation Drone Technology by Machina AI



Boumarang is developing next generation power system technology based on hydrogen fuel cells that will allow us to build drones that fly longer and farther or with heavier payloads in a cleaner, more environmentally friendly manner.   When combined with our autonomous fleet technology, commercial and government customers will be able to deploy our La Vallette or LV series of drones solutions that are the most effective and efficient tools for the job. 

LV - 150

The LV – 150 is a unit of a long range remote sensing fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles designed to provide continuous coverage over extremely large government theaters of operation or commercial job sites.  Remote sensing payload and power plant options – including the most advanced EO / IR sensors and advanced hydrogen fuel cell technology, make Boumarang’s aerospace products the most advanced, most cost effective and most environmentally friendly option on the market.

LV - 150VTOL

The LV – 150VTOL is a rapid response unmanned aerial vehicle designed to deliver heavier payloads in record time, with record precision.


The Air Wing Of The Armed Forces

The Air Wing of the Armed Forces for most countries are responsible for a number of operations including maritime surveillance, border control missions, search and rescue on land and at sea, maritime law enforcement and interdiction, medevac, casevac, VIP & military conveyances, reconnaissance, security escort overwatch, and fire support.  They need to maintain the ability to rapidly cover large geographic areas and respond to cases on a 24/7 basis.

With next generation Boumarang drone technology, the Air Wing could effectively cover both the huge operational area and maintain continuous operating hours with minimal operational support.


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